Bots section
Source code for a spam bot
(Kevin's spider)
Kevin Jobson
May 2000
courtesy of fravia's

      I've made a perl based bot that searches the net 
      for emails (a.k.a. spam bot). 
      I couldn't help but grin when I saw your email was 
					Kevin Jobson
Yep, I know how easy it is to fetch slightly encoded email addresses... anyway afaik all "real" spammers fetch them on the fly extracting them from all emails transiting through their servers, and ther's not much you can do against that (sauf punishing the spammers once they do dare to spam you :-)
I have slightly edited some french comments.


use LWP::UserAgent;

require "subparseform.lib";


$varurl = $formdata{'varurl'}; # url permanente de base (ex.
$baseurl = $formdata{'base_url'}; # url variante (ex.
$newurl = $formdata{'newurl'}; # flag si nouveau url (flag if new URL)

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<HTML><BODY>";

if ($newurl == 1) # si nouveau url, mettre le dans la base permanente (new URL? ==> smash it into database)
$varurl = $baseurl;

if ($newurl != 1) # si pas un nouveau url, chercher dans la liste pour une nouvelle (no new URL? search list for new)

open(URLS, "<data/url.txt") || &ErrorMsg; # lire url.txt

$continue = 0;

while ($continue == 0 && ($baseurl = readline *URLS)) # lire une ligne a la fois (one line only)

if (eof URLS) # si la fin de url.txt alors fin de recherche (end of url.txt? ==> end of search)
print "<center><h1>RECHERCHE COMPLETÉ</h1></center>";

open(VERIFURL, "<data/verifurl.txt") || &ErrorMsg;

$found = 0;

while (($found == 0) && ($line = readline *VERIFURL))
if ($line eq $baseurl) # si $line = $baseurl alors url a deja été fais. saute au prochain (jump to next URL in this case)
$found = 1;
$continue = 1;

if (($continue == 1) || ($newurl == 1))
### MAIN LOOP ###
###############SEARCH URL'S######################

$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$req = HTTP::Request->new ('GET', $baseurl);
$resp = $ua->request($req);

$response_http = $resp->as_string(); # mettre code de la page http en une variable (smash http source code into variable)

#print "$response_http";

$response_http =~ s/<a href=.?\//<a href="$varurl/gi;
# remplace les lien (a href=/fr) relatif avec un lien absolu (replace relative link with absolute lkink)

print "<h1>BaseURL: $baseurl <BR>file length: ";
print length $response_http;
print "<br></h1>";

while ($response_http =~ m/$varurl[a-zA-Z0-9\:\.\/\%\?\=\&]+/i) # cherche des liens http (search http links)

$varhttp = $&;
$varremainhttp = $';
if ($varhttp =~ m/(\.php|\.htm|\.shtm|\.asp|\?|\.cgi)/i)
print "FOUND: $varhttp <br>";
push(@http, $varhttp);

$response_http = $varremainhttp;

open (URLS, ">>data/url.txt") || &ErrorMsg; #Append to data folder
foreach $url (@http)
print "URL AJOUTÉ: $url<br>";
print URLS "$url\n";
close (URLS);

################### SEARCH EMAILS #########################

$response_email = $resp->as_string();

while ($response_email =~ m/\w+@\w+\.\w+/) # cherche email with pattern something@something.something

push(@email, $&);
$response_email = $';

print "<br><h3>@email</h3>"; # afficher les emails qui on été trouvé (show found emails)

open (EMAILS, ">>data/email.txt") || &ErrorMsg; # Append to data folder

foreach $single_email (@email)
print EMAILS "$single_email\n";
close (EMAILS);

############################ WRITE CHECKED URL TO FILE ###########################

open (VERIFURL, ">>data/verifurl.txt") || &ErrorMsg; # Write to data folder
print VERIFURL "$baseurl";
close (VERIFURL); # ajouter le URL verifier a verifurl.txt

} #### END IF ####

print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; URL=spider.cgi?newurl=0&varurl=$varurl\">"; # reload page

print "</BODY></HTML>";

####################### SUB #####################
sub ErrorMsg
print "Server can't open file : $!";