~ Wolf in sheep's clothing ~
Oh Yeah |
Published @ searchlores.org
in June 2002
Wolf in sheep's clothing
Oh Yeah
slightly edited by fravia+
Some time ago, on
one of our messageboards,
I answered a posting by Oh Yeah with the following "Finding out if bozo is a wolf" remarks:
Indeed hiding among the illeterate sheeps is a powerful move,
the problem is that a good logging of your web-activities (by your ISP) will
quickly demonstrate what long wolf-teeth you have.
So? Should it be hiding at home and biting around only in the webcafés?
Should it be hiding throughout own ISP connections, and biting only with
If I were in search of a wolf among the sheeps I would write a small grep
script for my own ISP loggings:
Finding out if bozo is a wolf
1. uses a firewall? NO=sheepish YES=wolfish
2. uses proxies? NO=sheepish YES=wolfish
3. goes 'outside' the sheep channels à la yahoo?
4. goes in strange indian/japanese/russian places?
5. visits messageboards? Which ones? Sheepish or wolfish?
6. does he telnet?
7. does he ping? traceroute?
8. what and where does he download?
9. what and where does he upload?
10. how many totally different emailaddresses does he own and use?
11. which browser does he use? (hehe)
12. operating system? last security patches added?
13. let's have a look at his ports: closed? open?
14. does he -oh my- scan ports around?
any more suggestions
Oh Yeah?
Awaiting your essay :-)
And Oh Yeah did indeed work on this stuff, as you'll be able to constate now... (even if he took
part of it elsewhere)...
There is some fundamental anonymity basic information for all beginners in here... read,
understand, use, enjoy!
Let's hope we'll soon see more contributions along these lines...
Wolf in sheep's clothing
by Oh Yeah, june 2002
OK. I admit it. I'm a wolf who prefers to pretend is a sheep. Especially while
on the Internet. Why is that useful you may ask? Here are some advantages I
want to share, where "blending into a crowd" is useful. Besides Fravia+ asked
me to prepare this article, how can I refuse?? Just excuse my bad english
if possible, please.
I will divide this essay into several parts. Part 1 will deal with what preparations I
do before I go on the Internet. Part 2 will deal with how I behave on
the Internet once I get
there. Part 3 is about how I clean my PC.
PART 1. Steps I take before I go on the 'net.
First of all, I do not stay with the same ISP service for long. I change them
every year, sometimes even after 6 months. I don't use cable, simple 56K
dial-up is fine for me. After all, the only different thing I'd do if I had
cable is d/l a LOT MORE [mostly useless] junk than I already do now. So a 56K is fine
for me. Being connected ALL the time?? Why??? No reason for it.
Second, I always try to create my ISP account under somebody else's name and
address if at all possible. One more step between the real me and the imaginary me
never hurts. Right now I'm using one of those MAIL Boxes and ecetra places to
get my ISP bills, since their address looks just like a regular address.
Another thing I do is pre-pay the bills, usually for up to 6 months ahead of time, so I
won't be bothered with bills every month. Like I said, my ISP account is always
a different name than my own. Right now my account runs under a very common female
Anglo-Sacson name, even though I'm neither, hehehe.
Third, I NEVER EVER use the email account given to me "free" by my ISP, because they
can be tracked and monitored easier than any throw-away web-based email. I only
use Web based "free" emails such as hushmail.com or ZipLip.com or
anonymous.to or Yahoo.com or some other services, preferably located in a different country
than the one I am in, so if its Yahoo this time, for instance, I would use
the German yahoo or even
the Japanese one. I do NOT recommand using hotmail.com, known for sniffing the hell out of your
mail. Also, I always jump
through a proxy to access these services. Also, if I am sending files, I always encript
them using PGP or something else such as BestCrypt. Of course, when filling up
the info while setting up the mail services for the first time,
I lie like a mattress.
Last time I
was from Israel. Before that I was from Shri Lanka. The funkier the names, the
better. I get really creative there, but not too creative as to stand out.
Arabic sounding names are out right now. Of-course I also only use such accounts for a
limited period of time. I change them every year or as often as needed. It's
still amazing to me how many spammers do manage to find me nevertheless.
If they can find me so easily
what about the rest I wonder??
PART II What I do on the 'net once I get there
1. To begin with, I rarely "surf" web pages. Sure, your average luser thinks
the Internet equals "the Web". How sadly uninformed they are! Web pages are
pretty lame anyway. Why go to http://www.mp3.com
to look for a song when you
have 70+ file sharing programs where you can find ANY tune you desire in less
than 5 minutes? Why pay 20 dollars (or more) every month to look at some lame
low-quality porno pictures when UseNet is bursting at the seams from all the
porn groups, images, films, appz and whatnot it is carring??
(now, after having implemented yEnc, the posts practically fly
right into my HD).
But there is a much simpler reason why i do not visit web pages so much
anymore. ALL visits to all Web pages will be logged. Your ISP has a log of who is
logged in, under which IP number, at any particular time. They also maintain a
log of data transfers, logging each transfer of information, the originating
IP, and the destination IP. Your ISP can and will have a nice log of at all of
your recent internet activities, including all the Web pages you have visited
and looked at, all emails sent and received, any software or files you may have
download. So it is a fairly trivial process to do a search of the logs and find
any illegal activity, and associate it with the exact computers involved. I
still hear cases of people getting caught sending and reseaving unapproprite
unencrypted images using their work or home email accounts, or using their work
accounts to "surf the Web" looking at porn. Majorly silly, eh?? I say they
deserved to be caught!! (^_^ am I mean or whut?)
BUT Your dedicated ISP usually does not monitor what you are posting to usenet and
downloading from usenet because usenet uses NNTP protocol. They can and do
monitor HTTP activity (unless you use a proxy), but they still haven't -most of
the time- got the
idea to also monitor NNTP and ALL the other protocols. Of course, your
dedicated news server does record your connection to a news server, however,
unless you are connecting to a shell or proxy first. In that case, it records
your connection to that service and is unaware of your connection to the news
So why do the ISP's maintain logs of all internet activity? Well, for several
reasons, depending on the countries they are in. Some law enforcent agencies
require them to. Other ISP's just like to cooperate with the cops, in case to
protect their backs. But if you ask them, they will say they do it mostly for
the purpose of debugging. If the ISP servers develop a problem or they crash,
technicians may scan the logs to determine if a particular transfer was
involved with the problem. Riiiight. Your workplace will definetly monitor your
Internet usage. Worse, they have the right to do it. SO NEVER EVER use your
workplace internet for anything you don't want others to see.
Now consider an ordinary every day surfing the web. In a normal day you can
download/upload 20,000 or 30,000 files (the gifs of the pages, the wallpapers,
etc. etc.). Now if the ISP has 10000 or more clients (normally an ISP needs at
least 10000 users to survive) that results in: 10000 x 3000 = 30,000,000
operations in a day. Every line has 128 lines (or bytes) = 3.840.000.000
bytes... The logs takes 3 Gigs from the disk !!! :) but thats a drop in the
ocean to the storage devices available now. So again, watch your steps ^_^ and
learn how to use a proxy quick. Searchores has some excelent proxy essays, and
I should know, after all, I have personally written several of them (uder different
nicks of course).
However, if a federal agency has a search warrant with some kind of funky
justification, they
have the authority to demand a search of the logs. If the logs for that time
period are available, they can trace that data transfer to you. The logs are KEPT FOREVER
burned on Cd-Roms, especially at work, so you can have to account for some pron you saw
three years ago on your old jobplace...
2. Second, I never use Web cafes, or send emasils while at work, or use the net
while working. To begin with Web cafes are heaviliy monitored. A very commn and
WRONG asumption os that using web Cafes will make you anonimous. Infact, Web
cafes customers are one of the most monitored today, with that idiotic US "war
on terrorism" crap. In fact, never ever use your college, or school or work
internet connection for ANYTHING thast can be concidered illigal.
Your biggest danger is if you are using a computer at work, at school, or in a
public library. They keep their own logs, which are usually much smaller than a
regular ISP. They also have more incentive to search their logs, to keep their
image clean, and keep an eye on the activities of their
employees/students/users. I recommend that you do not use such computers for
any questionable activity.
3. Third- while on the net, I change and rotate personalities, nickames, sex,
age, languages more than I change my socks in "real" life! I have and use
several nicks (males and females) according to what I am doing right at the
moment. Each personality has a different speach pattern, way of expressing
himself or herself, comes from a different country, and has a whole separate
life history and story. I prefer to use the female personality with men,
because most men would give their right hand to help a "helpless female newbie"
who knows nothing, the poor dear.[for a great and revealing look at
personalities online read the great Pat Cadigan's "Tea from an empty cup."
cyberpunk sci fi book<--plug plug]
zing 4. Forth, if I have to use a Web browser, I use Netscape Navigator ver 4.7
with EVERYTHING TURNED OFF! That means NO Java, NO Java Script, NO Active X, NO
Cascading sheets, NO smart browsing enabled, NO cutesy but useless blinking
animation, NO annoying music WAVs and sometimes NOT even images! And of course,
NO cookies!
Of course, do not forget the simple things. That's where lotto people get
screwed up. Always surf while proxied and disable java and java scripting, etc.
If ever in doubt while visiting a site disconnect immediately and run wiping
utilities. Never write anything down on paper related to on topic subjects.
Save URL's, site addresses and subject info in simple text files stored in
encrypted drives.
Common mistakes (wrong assumptions) Tools you may use (PGP, harddisk cleaners,
ISP activities monitors)Smoke curtains (and URL obfuscation) Hiding among
sheeps (ready to use the teeth) and so on How how do you make the distinction
between a sheep and a wolf? Here's a short list. You are welcome to add to it:
1. uses a firewall? NO=sheepish YES=wolfish
2. uses proxies? NO=sheepish YES=wolfish
3. goes 'outside' the sheep channels à la yahoo?
4. goes in strange indian/japanese/russian places?
5. visits messageboards? Which ones? Sheepish or wolfish?
6. does he/she telnet?
7. does he/she ping? traceroute?
8. what and where does he/she download?
9. what and where does he/she upload?
10. how many totally different emailaddresses does he/she own and use?
11. which browser does he/she use? (hehe)
12. which operating system does he/she uses? last security patches added?
13. let's have a look at his/hers ports: closed? open?
14. does he -oh my- scan ports around?
15. peek at his/hers' mail. yeah thats illegal, but chqnces qre so he/she is (Everyone is
guilty until proved innocent, this maxima has outlived the socialism and now
dwells in the new $ones).
16. goes to hidden-behind-portal/.asp/.php/.cgi pages _directly_?
17. has a web page? in handwritten html?
18. gee, just see his name, it isn't much anglaise?
PART III. After all that internet activity, it's time to clean up my HD!
fravia's comment: The following is taken verbatim from
(¯`·.¸(¯`·.¸ ¸.·´¯)¸.·´¯)
ToolZ to clean your HD with
go to:BCWipe, DirSnoop, Eraser Window Washer
By now you should know how dirty your Windoze gets. You should never just
simply delet files to the "recycle Bin" and think they are gone. Everytime you
are on the Net, or use your PC, all that work is left to be seen. Some of the
places needing cleaning are: C:\Windows\Recent (for recently open files such as
movies, txt, ets-Win95 & 98) C:\WINNT\PROFILES\ADMINI~`\RECENT (for NT)
C:\Windows\R C:\Windows\win386.swp (the notorious Swap file), C:\Windows\Temp
BCWipe is a freeware program that will clean your free space on your HD by
writting over it 7 times and wiping it clean. You can get it from
http://www.jetico.sci.fi They also sell a comercial version of a product to
clean your HD. Warning! Turns out files/folders CAN be seen with DirSnoop even
AFTER BCWipe is used, so does THAT mean they can also be recovered? Some people
have experianced problems with BCWipe, while others swear by it. Seems it's a
bit over active and cleans MORE than just your free space and swap files. So
use it at your own risk.
DirSnoopis from briggsoft.com Yeah, you use Windows Washer, and Eraser and you
feel confident enough that the files you erased were gone. Well, that's NOT
100% true and Dir Snoop can prove it to you. Did you also know files leave
"ghost" images of themselves even after you move them from one drive to
Dir Snoop yes, it works beautifully, and yes, its scary what it can show you.
Files I thought were long gone are sitting there, staring me right back in the
Grade: 10 as in get it, learn it, use it!
Dir Snoop is a wonderful freeware that can be used to:
Verify the effectiveness of file/disk wiping programs
Recover erased files
Purge erased file names from directory structure
Permanently wipe traces of "ghost" files(files that were deleted long ago) and
individual clusters with 4-pass wiping function
Search, group, and sort files by name, date, cluster, size, and attributes
Search and View files and raw clusters, the raw directory structures and file
clusters for content
View the file allocation table (FAT)
Map files and directories to cluster numbers
Dir Snoop is very easy to use. It has ONLY 4 options on its tools line- File,
Current, Global and Help.
the File option can Purge the remainds of ghost files, can Unerase files, can
Wipe files. NOTE: The "ghost" files appear in red.
the Current
the Global
the Help as usual has the help files in case you need instructions
File Finder it shows hidden, system deleted files on your drives on Hex format.
Grade 8 as in good solid utility
Eraser is a little freeware from Students.Tut.Fi or you can d/l the zipped
program directly from
iki.fi. It is ther easiest thing to use, tiny, fast as hell and when i checked
back with DirSnoop the files were ACTUALLY gone! It can clean indivigual
folders, files, entire dir, and also can clean your Unused disk space just like
BCWipe.It has 3 cleaning options- Default which is writing over the data 35(!)
times, Easier US Military approved 7 times overwrite option thats the same as
BCWipe and Pseudo-Random option where you can specify how many times the data
to be written over. Eraser Definetly recommand it!
NOTE* THE following was taken directly from DrWho's Encription FAQ.
read the part
Please read the complete faq for more info.
Scorch is a freeware wipe utility. It is VERY useful for
wiping Window's SWAP
Read the documentation that comes with Scorch before use. There are
several other options, which are best gleaned from the included documentation.
Scorch is available at: http://mist.demon.co.uk;
2. Use Notepad to write the following simple Batch file.
Save it in C:\Windows.
Give the batch file a name.
I suggest Wapp16.bat, but any convenient letter or
name will suffice, but NOT Win.bat or confusion will occur with the Win.com
which starts Windows.
(I have suggested Wapp16 as the file name simply to cause
a little smoke if anybody were searching through your computer - so many
Windows files start with the letter W :-).
The format of enclosing the file to be
wiped in square brackets in order to minimize disastrous errors.
Wapp16.bat = Scorch [c:\win386.swp] /nodel Scorch [c:\progra~1\cache\*.*]
Scorch [c:\windows\cookies\*.*] Scorch [c:\windows\history\*.*] Scorch
[c:\windows\recent\*.*] Scorch [c:\windows\spool\\fax\*.*] Scorch
[c:\windows\spool\\printers\*.*] Scorch [c:\windows\temp\*.*] Scorch
[c:\windows\tempor~1\*.*] Scorch [c:\windows\web\*.*] Zapempty
Win Note 1:
Choose whichever of the above folders applies to your system, likewise add any
others that are not shown but required.
Window Washer also cleans and "adds bleach" to ALL of these "Standard Wash
all the Browsers' caches(BOTH Netscape and IE), History Folders, the Cookies
folders, Temporary Internet Files folder,
the Temp folder itself,
ICQ's history messages folders,
the Recicle Bin,
Window's Document History, Find and Run folders, ets... Window Washer allows
you to easily clean up the history of your activities on your PC and the
Internet. It can clean your Netscape and Internet Explorer cache, cookies, form
data, and drop-down address list. Window Washer can also remove files and
entries in your recent documents history, recent applications history,
temporary files folder, and recycle bin. Window Washer also includes a Custom
Wash Items feature that allows you to specify other files and folders that you
would like to have cleaned. Free Custom Wash Item plug-ins allow you to clean
many third party programs such as RealPlayer and Adobe Acrobat. You can set
Window Washer to automatically run in the background and clean your files and
history as you work, or you can have it clean at start-up or shutdown. In
addition, a Bleach function is also available that overwrites deleted files
with random characters a set number of times, making them unrecoverable by file
recovery utilities. To download the free custom wash item plug-ins, visit
New Features in Window
Washer 3.0 (aka: Cache & Cookie Washer Deluxe): Cleaning support for Windows
2000 Cleaning support for Internet Explorer 5.1 and 5.5 Cleaning support for
Netscape 4.7 Cleaning support for AOL 5.0 and Compuserve Improved bleach
function for overwrites of files in FAT, FAT32, and NTFS And many bug fixes and
GUI improvements!
more information and a free 30 day trial download, visit
http://www.webroot.com/washer.htm To order Window Washer 3.0 for only $29.95
visit http://www.webroot.com/order1.htm If you purchased a previous version of
Window Washer or Cache and Cookie Washer within the past year, visit
http://www.webroot.com/supp1.htm for free upgrade information.
Also visit
http://www.webroot.com/indexb.htm for our recent news and updates page. As you
can see, it cleans almost everything one can think of. Netscape and IE have an
extra buttons for even more options.
You can also add a custom files for Windows Washer to clean, with the "Custom
Wash Items" option on the right side. TO add an item, click on "ADD" button,
choose "Clean File" and click on the "SELECT" button to manually select the
item for advanced options. Here, you will get the "select files or folders to
be washed" menu. From the menu you can choose ANY item off your C:\ drive, with
the subdir, ets. Then all you have to do is clcik on "SAVE" button and you are
Windows Washer has an easy to use interface options, and you can set it to run
every quarter, half or hourly, daily, every 8 hors, ets.
You can get it from webroot.com
I definetly recommand this program!
(¯`·.¸(¯`·.¸ ¸.·´¯)¸.·´¯)
and remember: no matter HOW smart you think you ARE, there will ALWAYS be
somebody who is smarter than you. So never underestimate people.

(c) III Millennium: [fravia+], all rights