The images
And now the solutions. ACHTUNG: SPOILER!
do not read if you want to solve by yourself...
For "The chick on the river" please check the ad hoc page. Reading the discussions there
you'll gain a lot of angles for your own image debunking activities.
For the "What do we sell?"...
The title "What do we sell?" itself points to the fact that the little BMW logo is clearly (and this evidence
notwithstanding also subliminally at the same time) quite visible
in the small "tyre formed" ring in the left of the lake. Note that here, a car brand advertisement, we have no cars and no roads
at all in the image...
While there's NO OTHER connection to a car (quite the contrary, uncontaminated nature, as often with car advertisements, that
will never show you a car in its usual habitat: the middle of stinky traffic congestions) the portuguese words (that require
some zooming and some tools to read) point to
Brasil and it's only a matter of time until the reader discover a repository of portuguese bmw advertisement.
For "The head of the crab"...
Either, as many lazy ones have done, you just peruse the same database until you find it, or you notice, as many did, that the crab
has quite NASTY intentions, and is coming out of the pan in order to haunt you (as the title "revenge") also implies.
So that's a 'alka seltzer' advertisement for those that have eaten too much the evening before, as also the small circle on the
right side below (the top of a tablett) points to.
And now you have enough hints to find by yourself the third -and most difficult- one, "The quiet harbour", which has an amazing
nasty /filthy "double sense"
inside its meaning and purpose, that can also be derived observing the slighly "unnatural" position of the model :-)
Yet it is a real advertisement, that was really published... and I bet that many people (of both sexes !), having seen
it streets and magazines have been
deceived "hook and senker" by the hidden messages of those nasty perverts that only want to make bucks over our dead
pavlovian reflections... :-(
I already said too much... enough. C'mon, if I gave you the correct solutions for everything, and if I woudl not leave
at least a small bait, your
seaching learning curve would be steeper, dear reader... :-)

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